Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Cloud & DevOps


Career & Experience

DevOps Engineer - Cloud NC Co., Ltd. (Apr 2024 - Present)

Managed cloud deployments using Kubernetes, orchestrated by Kubespray, and automated pipelines with Ansible and Terraform.

Configured an environment with master and worker nodes, NGINX load balancer, and bastion host for secure and scalable CI/CD workflows.

Full-Stack Developer - Cloud NC Co., Ltd. (Apr 2024 - Present)

Developed a web application using Next.js and TypeScript, incorporating Redux for state management and styling with Tailwind CSS and Chakra UI.

Built the backend with Express.js and TypeScript, featuring SMTP for email functionalities and Cloudinary for cloud-based image storage.

Implemented Google Authentication for user login.

Full-Stack Developer - Artmosphere Co., Ltd. (Feb 2024 - Present)

Worked on developing a bilingual website using Next.js, Nest.js, TypeScript, and AI technologies to enhance user engagement and functionality.

Full-Stack Developer - Abiotich Co., Ltd. (Jun 2024 - Oct 2024)

Developing applications using Angular and TypeScript for the frontend and Express.js for the backend.

Full-Stack Developer at CE-AI-CAMP (KMITL) (May 2024)

Developed web solutions utilizing a diverse tech stack including Next.js, TypeScript, and Go.

Enhanced data interactions through GORM and ensured application scalability with Docker.

Implemented SMTP functionalities for sending emails.

Social Media Development (Mar 2024)

Developed social media applications using ASP.NET and C#, focusing on robust and scalable solutions.

Full-Stack Developer - Codekit Innovation Co., Ltd. (Nov 2023 - Jun 2024)

Developed video streaming platforms using Next.js, Redux, and Koa.js with agile practices.

AI Project - Tomato Leaf Disease Detection (Oct 2023)

Built a CNN model with TensorFlow to detect plant diseases with Flask backend and Next.js frontend.

Full-Stack Developer - Rudimentech Co., Ltd. (Dec 2022 - May 2023)

Developed PDF management tools using React, TypeScript, and Spring Boot with JWT security.

Full-Stack Developer (Apr 2022 - Present)

Passionate about learning and self-improvement, I thrive in acquiring new skills and adapting to evolving technologies.

My competitive nature drives me to constantly seek new challenges.


Bachelor of Computer Engineering - King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (2022 - Present)

GPAX: 3.29

Member of Information Security Advisory Group (ISAG) - Gained knowledge in secure coding and cybersecurity.

Member of Computer System Administrator Group (CSAG) - Gained skills in networking, cybersecurity, blockchain, website development, and DevOps.